Talent Agency

Mad To Be Normal

Directed by Robert Mullan and Produced by Gizmo Films, MAD TO BE NORMAL tells the story of R.D. Laing, the iconic Scottish psychiatrist, and his fascinating experiment at Kingsley Hall, East London during the 1960s. Laing allowed patients to explore their mental illnesses within the freedom of the sanctuary and live just as they wanted, without the help of drugs or being locked away behind closed doors.
Alongside heavy weights David Tennant, Michael Gambon, Elizabeth Moss and Gabriel Byrne, Mad to be Normal features Simon & How’s Kelby Keenan, Caitlin Innes Edwards, Aaron Taylor, Lydia Orange and Matthew Jure. They will all be on set over the next few weeks, filming in both London and Yorkshire.

Mad to be normal is due for release in Autumn 2016.

For more info and updates, please follow on twitter @madtobenormal and @GizmoFilms and check our their IMDB page http://www.imdb.com/title/tt4687410/

Kelby and Matthew are represented by sam@simonhow.com
Caitlin, Aaron and Lydia are represented by jessica@simonhow.com



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