Talent Agency

Heather Basten Casting workshop

A brilliant Saturday morning spent with the lovely Heather Basten, taking a casting and screen acting workshop for ten lucky S&H actors. She talked through the casting process as well as listening to prepared monologues and offering advice, followed by a Q&A.

Heather currently freelances with Des Hamilton and Kharmel Cochrane on a  regular basis as well as casting her own projects in between her busy schedule. Previous to this, Heather has also assisted for Jeremy Zimmerman and Dixie Chassay and has cast for TV, Film, commercials, corporates and shorts.

A big thank you to Heather for giving up her Saturday morning. Our actors had a great time during the two hours and left inspired and motivated! We look forward to welcoming her back for another workshop soon


 – Simon & How Talent Agency, London, UK..

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