Jessica Heads Our New Talent Division

A big welcome to our new agent, Jessica Lowe.

Jessica has had a keen interest in the performing arts from a young age and, having taken part in various dance and drama classes, went on to obtain a diploma in Dance and Musical Theatre leading to her performing in various professional productions and driving her to teach and pass her skills on to young performers of all ages.

Having developed a passion for nurturing talent, Jessica joined Alphabet Kidz before becoming part of the Scallywags team. Being an agent for both of these agencies gave Jessica an eye for spotting talent and giving children and young adults opportunities to perform in TV, film, commercials and theatre while developing strong contacts and invaluable experience.

The S&H team are thrilled to have Jessica onboard and are extremely proud to have her heading up our new division of young talent, focussing on artists as young as 14 years old.

– Simon & How Talent Agency, London, UK..

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